Thursday, December 17, 2009

Birthday Re-Cap!

Yesterday morning, Mommy met me at Bliss, the new cupcake baker on the Fayetteville Square! I love Fayetteville and I love cupcakes so this was the perfect combination to start my birthday off right!
...nothing beats a 'very vanilla' for me!..
Yesterday afternoon I met up with friends Kenlie, and Hannah at Cheap Thrills to shop for some great 80's finds! We also ventured up to the NWA mall where we hit the mother load at Forever 21!

Kenlie then treated me to dinner at Panera-- our favorite!

Ken and I got decked out and headed up to Fast Lanes o Rogers to meet up with other friends to celebrate the big 23!

Kenlie and I in our 80's outfits! Yes, Kenlie is wearing a leotard.
My Mommy was very embarrassed...
Anna, me, Samantha, Kenlie, and Lindley about to ride the go-Karts!

Emily, Katelyn, and Rachel showed up just in time (but not in the 80's spirit :( ) to ride to go karts!
Hannah Jones made an appearance when she got off of work! Yess!!

check it out!... If i had the guts this would be my facebook profile picture!
Bride to be Lindley, and Newlywed Samantha!!
Anna, Lindsey, Hannah, me, kenlie, Lindley, and Samantha!

Wanted to thank all these girls for making my birthday so special! You rock! Loves!!