I am a longtime admirer of Vancouver-based interior designer, Patricia Gray. It has been inspiring to see her work transform over the years and see her approach to modern interiors be featured in well known magazine publications like Interior Design, Western Living, Architectural Digest and of course my favorite source of information, the blogging community. Through friends Kim and Jo from one of my favorite reads in the morning - desire to inspire ... I noticed a familiar name in the comments - what a pleasant surprise to see Patricia Gray join the blogging community of design lovers! An even more pleasant surprise was to see my blogs featured on her blog roll. I felt like a little kid at the magazine aisle excited to buy my favorite design magazine ... I just had to write to Patricia to thank her for visiting. Small world we live in as it turns out we have a few more connections in common.

In my recent efforts to get back to blogging, Patricia's personal blog (at the top of a growing list of favorite design blogs) has renewed by own personal blogging energy. Here I share with you my interview with Patricia on her design views.

In my recent efforts to get back to blogging, Patricia's personal blog (at the top of a growing list of favorite design blogs) has renewed by own personal blogging energy. Here I share with you my interview with Patricia on her design views.
Interior Designer: Patricia Gray
Company: Patricia Gray Inc
Specialty: Interior Design, Furniture & Product Design, Project Management
Started: 1982
Background: Kwantlen College / Parsons School of Design - Paris, France
Current Location: Vancouver BC
- Out of all the cities in the world, why do you choose to work in Vancouver?
I was raised in Vancouver. It is my home.
- With respect to your work, what is it that you feel makes you successful? unique?
I feel successful when my clients fall in love with their homes. Unique when I am using my own designs not someone else’s.
- How do you like to approach design?
I like to start on the interior architecture of the space. I make sure the envelope is right then add in the furnishings, artwork and accessories.
- What inspires you?
I am inspired by beauty in all forms.
- What inspires your work?
My work is inspired by clients who have faith in the creative process and want me to design something that is unique for them.
- Who inspires you?
I am inspired by Albert Hadley, Michal Taylor who have been my Mentors since Design School and who I consider to be great Interior Design Icons, and recently I am inspired by Michael S. Smith for his brillance in interpreting the past in fresh and modern ways.
- What do you dislike and wish you could change about design in Vancouver? pet peeve?
I think we live in one of the greatest cities in North America. We have a contemporary, cosmopolitan design genre here that is totally unique to us. The only thing that I long for is to have more design resources available here.
- If there was one thing about your industry that you do that you could change, what would it be? ex. an interior, building, a product, process
I would change the way that Interior Designers are perceived. In European countries they celebrate Interior Designers and Architects and honor them for the contributions they are making.
- What do you feel you are contributing to the industry that is innovative and progressive?
I try to create designs for clients that are not trendy or fleeting, but that are unique and specifaclly suited to the architecture and to their specific life style requirements. That takes a lot of faith on the part of the clients and a willingness to follow through on all the details. I am very dedicated to Smart Design, Eco, Green and & Envioronmentally Friendly practices.
- Describe what your desk looks like (cluttered, heaps of magazines, bottle of Tylenol, etc.)
All that is on my desk is my laptop and the files that I am working on that day, and always fresh flowers.
- What do you need from your work environment in order to be productive?
Beauty, inspiring music, and my bulletin board where I post all my inspirations.
- Do you have a pet, what kind?
I have a 4 ½ lb Yorkshire Terrier named Nicole. She comes to work with me everyday and has her own business card: VP of Security. She is best VP of Security we have ever had. She guards the front door ferociously against couriers.
Thank You Patricia for sharing a little more about you. It is such a privilege to have personal insight from the talent behind the amazing designs we admire. To read more about Patricia , here are links to more interviews by some of the blogs I admire: Frankie of life in a venti cup and Vanessa of Turquise LA for LAapartmenttherapy