Saturday, September 12, 2009

International Hall Design

Going Green Fukuoka Perfectural International Hall Design Emilio Ambasz & Associates, Inc.

Fukuoka Perfectural International Hall

How do you feel when looking at those pictures? Do you feel good, am i right!

It always feel good to see so many people making effects in Preserving the earth’s environment. The company Emilio Ambasz & Associates, Inc was task with the job. Over here, I would like to dedicated this post to Emilio Ambasz & Associates, Inc for the job done in helping to save the earth.

Excellent work and well done!

Description :-

Fukuoka, Japan, was in need of a new government office building and the only available site was a large two-block park that also happened to be the last remaining green space in the city center. Ambasz was awarded the commission for successfully achieving reconciliation between these two opposing aims: maintaining the green space of the existing park while providing the city of Fukuoka with a multi-use, symbolically decisive building. Under the building’s fourteen one-story terraces lie more than one million square feet of space, containing an exhibition hall, museum, 2000-seat proscenium theater, conference facilities, 600,000 square feet of government and private offices, as well as large underground parking and retail spaces.

Its northern face presents an elegant urban facade with a formal entrance on the city’s busiest commercial avenue. The southern side extends an existing park through a series of terraced gardens that climb the full height of the building, culminating in a magnificent belvedere that offers views of the harbor and surrounding hills.