Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ron Arad

So if any of you are looking for something interesting to do this weekend, I would STRONGLY suggest you do something cultural like hop on over to MOMA and like check out the Ron Arad exhibit (That is if your in the mood for something like that). It is truly amazing (I must say)!!

Ron Arad is famous for his "interdisciplinary and no-disciplinary approach to design." Basically he does it all.. architecture, furniture design, graphic design, sculpture... It is so so cool! Not only did he design the entire structure the exhibit was held in .. which was this really gigantic free flowing form of chrome with little cubbies to house all of his amazing free form chrome and resin furniture, his approach to design is truly inspirational.. Really! I can say the man is a true genuis (and if you have read my blog at all .. you may even have noticed that chrome, and plastics are not really my thing at all..but this is truly on another level)! Go see it! You will feel like you are on another planet.. like mars :)

In the above photo .. do you see that chandelier.. well.. if you send a text to it.. it will spin out a marquee of your text. Pretty nifty. I have no idea how this stuff works (like I said.. the man is a genius)!?

Click here for a quick video of the exhibit!