I'll have to contact Laura bc that kit is stunning. I love all things Artsy Urban so feel free to send that album my way :)
November 3, 2009 11:04 AM
Summer send me your info at hsonboul@gcdstudios.com and place Artsy Urban Album in the subject.
About 3 weeks ago, I sent Pam Callaghan (a dear friend) our new Artsy Urban Collection and she went to TOWN! In 3 days she created these 3 layouts.

- Head to Pam's blog
- Pick a Template
- Scrap with the Template... USING 50% of GCD STUDIOS Product ( I will make a list where you can kind our goods)
- Turn it in by no later then Nov 27th, to hsonboul@gcdstudios.com and place "Pam's Challenge" in the subject line
The winner will recieve $50.00 in GCD Studios Product.
Good luck to everyone :)Links to online stores
Stop and Scrap: http://www.stopandscrap.com/gcd-studios.aspx
Lifetime Moments: http://shop.lifetimemoments.com/merchant.mvc?
A cherry on top: http://www.acherryontop.com/shop/company/gcd_studios